2018 Korea University Peace Camp

참가자 모집 안내


1. 목적:

최근 한반도 정세가 긍정적으로 변화함에 따라 미래지향적 관점에서 한반도 및 동북아의 평화와 번영에 대한 연구를 진행하고 차세대 지역전문가를 양성하고자 2018 Korea University Peace Camp를 개최하고자 합니다. 많은 참여와 관심 바랍니다.


2. 개요:

. 일정: 2018827()~31() 9:30~17:30

. 장소: 고려대학교 국제관

. 주제:

- Topic 1: Understanding North Korea

- Topic 2: Geopolitical and strategic analysis of Korean Peninsula and East Asian region

- Topic 3: Two Koreas’ economic cooperation and global economy

. 프로그램 구성:

- 교내외 저명인사 특강

- 그룹 워크샵 (최종일 발표회)

- 특별활동: DMZ, 고성 방문 등

. 참가인원: 국내외 학부생 30

. 진행언어: 영어


3. 지원절차

. 접수기간: 2018.7.1() 까지

. 접수방법: 신청서 이메일 제출 (gldc@korea.ac.kr)

. 지원자격: 본교 국내외 학부생 30

. 선발자 발표: 76() 이메일 통보 예정


4. 참가자 혜택

. 프로그램 수료 시 수료증 발급

. 전일정 식사 포함

. 특별활동 제반 비용 포함


5. 문의: 글로벌리더십센터 (gldc@korea.ac.kr / 02-3290-2694)




Call for Applications

Korea University Peace Camp 2018:

A New Vision for Peace in Korean Peninsula


1. Purpose:

Following the recent historic events on the Korean Peninsula, Korea University will be organizing a one-week summer camp in which students can deepen their understanding of recent developments and prospects of the two Koreas and East Asia. The Korea University Peace Camp is an intensive and experiential learning program that aims to strengthen the role that young people play as leaders in promoting peace in the Korean peninsula, East Asia and global community in the future. Students will attend lectures, join various group activities and develop their leadership to make changes for the global peace.


2. Program Details

  1) Date & Time: 27 Aug ~ 31 Aug 2018(9:30~17:30) for 5 days

  2) Venue: International Studies Hall, Korea University

  3) Participants: 30 undergraduate students (Korean and International Students)

4) Program Format:

l  Special lectures by KU professors and invited guest speakers

l  Group workshops (Group presentation on the last day of camp)

l  Special activities: Visit to DMZ, Kosung, and others

5) Topics:

l  Topic 1: Understanding North Korea

l  Topic 2: Geopolitical and strategic analysis of Korean Peninsula and East Asian region

l  Topic 3: Two Koreas’ economic cooperation and the global economy

6) Language: The entire camp will be conducted in English


3. Application

1) Application period: 19 Jun ~ 1 Ju1 2018

2) Procedure: Send applications to gldc@korea.ac.kr

3) Eligibility: Undergraduate KU students (including exchange and visiting students)

  * Must be able to attend for the whole duration of camp

4) Results: Results will be notified by 6 Jul, 2018


4. Benefits:

1) Certificate issued upon successful completion of program

2) Welcome dinner and all meals for duration of camp included

3) Expenses related with special activities covered


5. Inquiries:

KU Global Leadership Development Center(GLDC)

Email: gldc@korea.ac.kr / Tel: 02-3290-2694